Background: What are Microtubules?
Microtubules are long, straight cylindrical filaments made from tubulin protein. Tubulin proteins are heterodimers of alpha and beta...

Microtubule Dynamics
Microtubules are inherently dynamic, growing and shrinking in a process called “dynamic instability.” Microtubule growth (polymerization)...

Microtubule Mechanics
Microtubules are the most rigid of all filaments composing the cytoskeleton. This rigidity is important to their function of supporting...

Microtubule Motor Proteins
Microtubules form the tracks for motor proteins that are required for intracellular transport in cells. Motors proteins are nanoscale...

Microtubule Severing Enzymes
Microtubule severing enzymes are a novel class of microtubule-associated protein that can sever, or cut, microtubules anywhere along...