Ross Lab
Thank you!
The Ross Lab has received funding from government agencies and foundations to perform the work described here. (Active grants in red font)
Syracuse University
“CUSE grant: Taking Syracuse University to the Next Level with Advanced Imaging”
Lead PI: Ross
co-PIs: Zhen Ma (Syracuse Biomedical and Chemical Engineering) and Heidi Hehnly (Syracuse Biology)

W.M. KECK Foundation
“Building an Artificial Motile Tissue through Self Organized Rhythmic Stiffening”
Lead PI: Rae Robertson-Anderson (University of San Diego) co-PIs: Moumita Das (Rochester Institute of Technology) Mike Rust (University of Chicago)
2018 - 2021

“Self-Organization of Microtubule-Actin Composite Matter”
IRG2: Biological Active Matter
Lead PI: Seth Fraden, Department of Physics,
Brandeis University
Department of Defense
“Specifically Triggerable Multi-Scale Responses in Organized Assemblies”
Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI).
Lead PI: Thai (Chemistry, UMass),
co-PIs: Dinsmore (Physics, UMass), Abbott (Wisconsin), dePablo (UChicago), Giannesci (UCSD),

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation & Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Scialog Funding
“Building an Artificial Motile Tissue Through Self-Organized Rhythmic Contractility”
co-PIs: Rae Anderson (Physics, San Diego State University) and Michael Rust (Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago),
Awarded from the 2015 SCIALOG: Molecules Come to Life, co-supported by the Moore Foundation and Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Mathers Charitable Foundation
“Building a Cell from the Ground Up,” 2013-2016

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
“Cellular Remodeling by Microtubule Severing,”
Lead-PI: David Sharp (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), Collaborations for Macromolecular Interactions in Cells R01, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
2014 - 2018
"Regulating Microtubule Severing Physically and Chemically" R15GM141722-01, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
2021 - 2024

National Science Foundation (NSF)
“Physical Regulation of Microtubule Biomechanics,”
co-PI David Sept (University of Michigan),
Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Division
2009 - 2012

“Major Research Instrumentation: Development of FPALM-STORM for Live Cell Single Molecule Microscopy,”
co-PI Patricia Wadsworth (UMass Biology),
Division of Biological Infrastructure
2009 - 2012
“MRSEC Seed: Elucidating Nano-Scale Structures and Dynamics of Materials by Single-Molecule Imaging,”
co-PI Ryan Hayward (UMass PSE),
Division of Materials, MRSEC grant to UMass
2008 - 2013
“Controlling the Dynamics of a Model Filamentous Biopolymer,”
Division of Materials Research
2012 - 2015
“INSPIRE Track 1: Condensed Phases and Transitions of Cellular Patterns,”
co-PI Margaret Gardel (University of Chicago),
Cellular Dynamics and Function cluster in the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology in the Directorate for Biological Sciences, and the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation in the Directorate for Engineering
2013 - 2017
“Site REU: Bio and Soft Matter Research Traineeships (B-SMaRT),”
co-PIs Joris Taupier and Barbara Washburn (Springfield Technical Community College) and Christian Santangelo (Physics, UMass), Biomaterials, Division of Materials Research
2014 - 2017
"Spindle Flux and Mechanics,"
co-PI Patricia Wadsworth (UMass Biology), Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology
2018 - 2022
"Collaborative Research: Enzyme-Powered Programmable Active Matter"
co-PIs Wylie Ahmed (Cal State Fullerton) and Ben Rogers (Brandeis University), Division of Materials Research
2020 - 2023
"Collaborative Research: DMREF: Living biotic-abiotic materials with temporally programmable actuation"
Lead PI: Rae M. Robertson-Anderson (University of San Diego), Co-PIs: Moumita Das (Rochester Institute of Technology), Michael Rust (University of Chicago), Megan Valentine (University of California, Santa Barbara), Division of Materials Research
2021 - 2025
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Cottrell Scholars Award
“Studies of Microtubule Intracellular Highways: Building Bridges between Physics and Biology,”

March of Dimes
“Microtubule Severing Proteins: Working Through Co-operativity or Road Signs?”
Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award,
2008 - 2010

University of Massachusetts Amherst
"Fundamental Research in Enzymes as Active Matter Systems,"
Healey Endowment Grant / Faculty Research Grant
"Massachusetts Center for Autonomous Materials (MassCAM)"
University of Massachusetts President's Science and Technology grant
“Biomimetic Biophysics: Building a Complex Cytoskeletal Network in vitro,”
Armstrong Fund for Science
“Optical Tweezing to Measure Microtubule Flexibility,”
Healey Endowment Grant / Faculty Research Grant