Ross Lab
No fuel

With fuel

MCB Graduate student, Carline Fermino do Rosario, joins the Ross Lab. Welcome (back), Carline!
(May 2019)
New paper accepted at Soft Matter about how microtubules can self-organize into "spindles" without motors.
Congratulations Bianca, Sumon, Carline, and Anthony on your publication!
(May 2019)
The Ross Lab has relocated to Syracuse University, Physics Department.
(August 2019)

New paper published at Physical Review Letters
about how single enzymes diffuse faster in the presence of their enzyme substrates (fuel).
Congratulations graduate student Mengqi Xu on her first, first author paper!
(September 2019)

Sid Advani returns to walk at graduate commencement and be hooded as a PhD. Congratulations, Sid!
(May 2019)

New paper on microtubule severing enzymes and their ability to depolymerize microtubules that lack the carboxy-terminal tail accepted for publication at Cytoskeleton. Congratulations Liudmila, Megan, Madison, and Arianna on this paper!
(April 2019)

Undergraduate researchers present their research at the Undergraduate Research Conference. Congratulations Linda, Ben, Lena, Ryan, and Austin on your posters!
(April 2019)
Record-breaking nine undergraduate researchers from the Ross Lab graduate this May. Congratulations, Ross Labbies!
(May 2019)

Jenny Ross and Ross Lab research highlighted at Physics!
(Jan 2019)
For More News Items from Past Years, click: OLD NEWS