Ross Lab
Sometimes the Ross Lab makes the news. Here is an easy list of those instances

Ross Profiled in "Physics in Your Future" brochure from American Physical Society
Download pdf here.
(produced by the Committee on the Status of Women January 2016)
Ross Honored as Young Alum of the Month by Wellesley Underground!
Read the story here.
(February 2016)
Ross picture from #Ilooklikeaphysicist twitter campagin used in article on diversity in Physics World!
Read the story here.
(March 2016)
Ross Gives Public Lecture at Aspen Center for Physics
Jenny gives a talk about microtubules, motors, and nerve cells in this public lecture, available online on Aspen Grassroots TV. Lecture.
Jenny also gave an interview the same week. Interview.
(from June 20, 2013)
Ross Lab in the News!
Articles about new FPALM/STORM microscope being built in the lab.
Daily Collegian

Ross Profiled in Biophysical Society Newsletter and Speaking in Awards Symposium at Biophysical Society Meeting
Biophysical Society Newsletter profiles one biophysicsist each month. This month, they profile Jenny, just as she is set to win the Oakly Dayhoff Award. Read the Biophysical Society Newsletter profile online. The Awards Symposium session is 10:45am - 12:45pm in Grand Ballroom B on Tuesday, February 5, 2013.