Ross Lab
Lab Contact
Physics Building
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244
Lab News!
New paper accepted at Physical Review E with undergraduate Mason Grieb as first author!
Congratulations to Imara Davis for being awarded an LSAMP grant for spring 2025!
New paper in Cytoskeleton with first author, grad student, Prashali Chauhan and undergraduates Niaz Goodbee, Hong Beom Lee, Sofia Martin, and Ruell Branch!
Congratulations to Imara Davis on being awarded a SOURCE Fellowship for her research!
New paper accepted at European Physical Journal E from first author Nimisha Krishnan! Congratulations, Nimisha!
New paper accepted at PNAS Nexus! First author Sumon Sahu, (PhD 2021).
Jenny Ross named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)!
Bio-Active Matter Lab
Active, Biological Physics Underlying Cellular Organization
Answering the question:
How can cells organize their insides without a manager?
The Ross Lab in broadly interested in how cells sense, decide, and respond to produce motion, force, and work. The cell is able to couple thermal and active (energy-using) "ratchets" that self-organize to perform work. This ability to do work by harnessing noisy, random systems is a frontier area of research for soft, active, and biological condensed matter physics. The Ross Lab focuses on biological systems in order to learn fundamental physics principles of how they are able to act autonomously, specifically we have focused on the cytoskeleton. We have started new work on enzymes ability to serve as active matter.